My World

Get The Best Flight Deals For Seniors : Senior Discounts Club

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It is one thing to want to travel when you are young but another when you want to travel even when you are getting older. AirTkt salutes the passion of senior citizens who have the spirit to enjoy life and travel to see the world’s glory. Life is too short to be spent in one place and hence, no matter what age you are, you should travel to widen your sense, broaden your views, and enjoy everything that the world has to offer. That said, we also understand that flight tickets are a huge setback and senior travelers need more clarity on how to grab best flight deals. So, here are a few airlines that offer great flight deals for senior travelers.

American Airline: American Airline offers senior discounts in some Latin American markets basis some rules are followed:

British Airways: This airline offers huge discounts to members of the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP).

Delta Airline: Delta airline offers senior discounts only for passengers travelling to Panama provided the flight tickets are booked over call  and not online.

Southwest Airlines: If you are aged 65 and above, the Southwest airline provides you senior discount on all flight ticket bookings be it domestic or international. This discount can be availed by booking the flight tickets online or by calling the reservations desk. Additionally, the airline provides refundable air tickets to senior travelers.

United Airlines: This airline has senior discounts for travelers aged 65 or over for certain destinations. You can check for the discount by calling the airline directly or by choosing the ‘senior’ classification while booking flight tickets online.

That said, AirTkt advises you to check thoroughly before opting to book flight tickets via senior discounts. Sometimes, this might be more disadvantageous than advantageous because the airline might have exiting promotional offers which may result in higher airfare price discounts than senior discounts. And because senior discounts cannot be clubbed with any other offer, it is best to always double-check before blindly booking flight tickets.