My World

How to Book the Best Connecting Flights in 2021

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While some might cringe on the idea of a connecting flight, they are one of the best ways to avoid the ultra-high air ticket fare. Saving some bucks by finding a cheap air flight, never hurt anyone! Whilst many travelers prefer non-stop flights, for others connecting flights are not a deal-breaker instead they are preferred for various reasons including cheap flight tickets, time to stretch legs on long routes, and, they add a new destination to the itinerary. According to OAG, 37% of all travelers would wait four hours or more on a layover to get cheap plane tickets and save $200 USD, while for Gen Y, the number is as high as 55%. That said, connecting flights could be a pain if they are booked without taking into account some important considerations. One must know how to book the best connecting flight. It’s like a mission you must win.

It is not just about a cheap flight, one must master the art of finding the best connecting air flights. With cheap airfare, you can save all the money and instead spend on what you like. While flight deals also come in handy in such situations, connecting flights surely offer more cheap tickets and hence, more savings.